Meghan's Story
I’m Meghan Gates, Digital Communications Specialist at Dorset County Hospital.
I relocated from Liverpool to Weymouth in 2015 and if I am perfectly honest, I simply had no idea how beautiful Dorset was until I was standing on the harbour bridge in Weymouth town centre preparing for my interview. Heading for a walk along Weymouth beach, I knew this was the place for me.
After a few months of my new life in Dorset I was lucky enough to meet my now husband and shortly after persuaded him we needed a dog, so our Springer Spaniel Sparkle joined our family.
Since making the move to Dorset, I have discovered a love for paddleboarding and do this often at West Bay. I have even been rock climbing on Portland (despite my fear of heights)!
I absolutely love walking and exploring new places and the sites to discover in Dorset are endless. We can walk out of our house and take ourselves on at least a dozen different walks (something that was greatly appreciated during lockdown). It’s also something I instantly miss when back in Liverpool visiting family or in London visiting friends.
The endless sites have also sparked a new love of photography.
I moved from the world of journalism into the NHS in 2018 and joined Dorset County Hospital as a Communications Officer. I progressed up the career ladder into my current role as Digital Communications Specialist in 2021. Dorset County Hospital is a fantastic place to work and I was instantly made to feel very welcome.
Moving to Dorset was the best decision I’ve ever made and I’ve honestly never regretted it for a second.