Same Day Emergency Care Unit (SDEC)
The Same Day Emergency Care Unit (SDEC) provides care for emergency patients who do not require an overnight stay. Patients are likely to have been referred to the unit from the Emergency Department, from their GP or following a discharge from Dorset County Hospital.
Patients that typically attend the unit are those who have had or are suspected of having a pulmonary embolus (blood clot on the lung), deep vein thrombosis (blood clot in a vein), cellulitis (skin infection), or conditions such as chest pain, abdominal pain and abscess.
Some patients may have been seen in the Emergency Department overnight and asked to return to the SDEC Unit the next day for review as an overnight bed stay or acute admission was not clinically needed for their treatment.
Some patients from the Acute Hospital at Home service may also be asked to return to the SDEC Unit for a review with their consultant.
While on the unit you will be assessed, diagnosed and treated with a focus on getting you back home safely on the same day. Where possible, we aim to arrange any diagnostic tests within the duration of your visit. We also try to give you the results on the same day. You may have treatment while in SDEC, or we might recommend that your GP starts treatment. You will be assessed and treated by members of the speciality team including doctors and Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACP).
SDEC is staffed and managed by a unit lead, supported by ACPs, registered nurses and healthcare support workers.
The environment is bright, spacious and has a waiting area. You will be seen and examined and, if appropriate to wait, you may be moved back to the waiting area while waiting for results so that other patients can be seen.
The SDEC Unit is located in South Wing, Level 1 and is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm and Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 8pm.