What is orthodontics?
Orthodontic treatment involves the use of fixed and removable braces to align the teeth and/or jaw into a better occlusion (bite).
Do you fit the criteria?
We will be able to treat you if you have a more complex orthodontic problem such as missing teeth (hypodontia), extra teeth (supernumerary), eruption problems (teeth stuck in the gum), teeth which stick out by more than 9mm, or you have a more serious congenital problem such as cleft lip and palate.
We also will treat patients with medical issues or autism and/or learning disabilities.
Initially your dentist will assess your concerns and refer you to the appropriate centre for your care.
What will happen at my first appointment?
You will be asked to complete a medical history form when you arrive.
One of our consultants will then look at your teeth (a bit like having a check-up at the dentist).
You will probably be asked to visit the x-ray department for an x-ray.
You will then see the orthodontist again to discuss the problems with your teeth and the options to solve them.
This will take some time so allow approximately two hours for your appointment.
What is expected from you?
You will be asked to attend an appointment for records this is where we will take digital scans and photographs of your teeth to plan your care. You will then need to attend regular appointments to have your braces checked, altered and adjusted. You will need to continue visiting your dentist and you will need to maintain good dental health and oral hygiene levels throughout treatment. You may need to attend appointments with our hygienist or oral health educator for advice on diet and brushing of your teeth.
If your dental health is not up to standard you will not be treated.
Where will I be seen?
We have two sites: The Royal Bournemouth Hospital and Dorset County Hospital. Ideally, we will see you in the hospital closest to home, either Dorchester or Bournemouth. However, this will depend on how complex your treatment is and where we can see you quickest.
Your dentist or a local orthodontist will refer you to the appropriate centre for care. If we can move your appointments to the alternative location to better suit you, we will do so, but this will not always be possible.
Letters you receive will be on Dorset County Hospital headed paper. This does not necessarily mean that you will be seen at Dorchester. The location of your appointment will be detailed on your letter, so please read this carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the orthodontics team using the contact details below.
Meet the team
Contact us
Dorchester site:
Orthodontic Department
Dorset County Hospital
Williams Avenue
Reception: 01305 255174
Secretaries: 01305 255175/5120
Bournemouth site:
Orthodontic Department
Royal Bournemouth Hospital
Castle Lane East
Reception: 0300 019 4694
Secretaries: 0300 019 4705
Opening times
Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5pm