Enquiries: 01305 251150

Ilchester Integrated Assessment Unit

Updated 29 January 2025

Ilchester General Medical Ward is a 33 bedded ward for medical patients.

The ward is located in South Wing Level 2 and includes four single-sexed bays and seven side rooms. The unit also has four single washrooms. Ilchester operates 24 hours a day so unfortunately it can be noisy at times, even at night.

Patients can arrive on Ilchester and be transferred or discharged from the unit at any time during the day.

The Ilchester team comprises of a matron, ward sister, deputy sisters/charge nurses and two consultants. Other professionals that support Ilchester include additional specialty consultants, trainee doctors, registered nurses, healthcare assistants, housekeeping staff, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and social workers. The ward is supported by two ward clerks who provide cover from 8am until 4pm Monday to Friday.

Consultants' ward rounds take place throughout the morning, so we suggest relatives reserve any calls to after 11am when more up-to-date information may be available on the patient's care.

We strive to ensure that your stay on Ilchester is as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Please speak to a member of staff during your stay if you have any concerns.

Visiting guidance

Visiting times are 11am to 8pm, seven days a week. Read more about our visiting guidance here.

Relatives are advised to nominate one member of the patient's family to make regular telephone contact with Ilchester. Please note that due to the need to protect our patients' confidentiality, only limited information will be passed over the telephone.

Patients and relatives are advised to avoid bringing in large qualities of clothing and valuables as the on Ilchester.


Your discharge from the unit will be planned from your arrival. Please note that you may have arrived by ambulance – this does not mean you will travel home by ambulance. You will be expected to make your own arrangements for your discharge such as family or friends to collect you or for you to arrange and pay for a taxi or bus home. After the medical team have confirmed your discharge, you may be required to transfer to the Discharge Lounge to await collection of any medication prescribed for you. Your family / transport can also pick you up from here.

Useful numbers

Nurses station: 01305 254800

Direct line to ward clerk desk: 01305 255870

Dorset County Hospital Switchboard: 01305 251150