Enquiries: 01305 251150

Heart Failure Service

Updated 3 March 2025

We are a specialist team of doctors and heart failure nurses based in Dorset County Hospital with specific experience and training in the management, treatment and care of people with a diagnosis of heart failure.

What is heart failure?

Heart failure is the term we use when your heart fails to pump efficiently.
There are many reasons why this can happen for example:

  • following a heart attack
  • narrowed or leaking heart valves
  • abnormal heart rhythms
  • high blood pressure

Sometimes a definite cause cannot be found. The term heart failure can be quite a frightening term however, with lifestyle changes and the right mediation we aim to help support the pumping action of your heart.

For patient that are discharged from hospital, either with a new diagnosis heart failure or a change in management of their heart failure, we link closely with the Acute Hospital at Home service at DCH, and often will discharge patients when they are stable back to their chosen destination with agreed visits from the AHAH team. This is called our Heart Failure Virtual Ward. We know that virtual wards are helpful in aiding recovery for patients, as well as reducing anxiety and improving quality of life.

Referral to the Heart Failure Service

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and you suspect that you may have heart failure then please make an appointment to see your GP, who may recommend arranging some or all of the above investigations.

We offer a dedicated Rapid Access Heart Failure Clinic for patients suspected to have a new diagnosis of heart failure which all local GPs can access. If a diagnosis of heart failure you may be followed up in our heart failure service run by Fr Edwards and Dr Burnhope our Heart Failure Consultants and the Heart Failure Nurse Specialists Emma Simmons, Rebecca Wetherall and Sarah Ayres. You may be referred to the community Heart Failure team for follow up.

There are many options for treatment of heart failure. Were appropriate our team will:

  • contact you by telephone to introduce you to the service and discuss your referral
  • offer you an individual assessment to help you better understand your condition and how to monitor your symptoms
  • ensure you are on the appropriate medication to support the pumping mechanism of your heart
  • consider other advanced therapies for heart failure. 

Where is the service offered?
The service is offered in a variety of settings depending on clinical need including:

  • Hospital clinics
  • Community-based clinics
  • Telephone support
  • Home visits

Contact us

Cardiology Department
Dorset County Hospital
Williams Avenue

Telephone: 01305 255930

We are available Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) between 9am and 5pm.

Direct line