Enquiries: 01305 251150

Critical Care Unit

Updated 29 January 2025

Critical Care Units are specialist areas where seriously ill patients receive specialist care. They are staffed with specially trained healthcare professionals and contain sophisticated monitoring equipment.

Our Critical Care Unit (CrCU) is located in South Wing Level 2.

Visiting guidance

Visitors are welcome between 1pm and 3pm and 5pm and 7pm.

When you arrive at the unit, please ring the bell. Because of the kind of work we do there may be a short delay, but we will do our best to respond to you quickly.

Rest is vital to a patient's recovery, so we ask that only two family members are present at the bedside at any one time. We will do our best to accommodate children's visits. Please talk to the nurse in charge if you have an queries.

Critical Care Follow-up Clinic

When a person has been critically unwell and in intensive care, they may take a long time to recover.

Once home the person may encounter physical or psychological issues, or both.

In order to help with long term recovery, we offer a Critical Care Follow-up Clinic for patients who we think could benefit from this service.

The follow-up service consists of either a face-to-face clinic consultation or a telephone call where any issues you have encountered can be discussed. There will also be an opportunity to address any ongoing concerns, for example around referrals to other specialities or services. The follow-up team consists of senior doctors and nurses, and the facility to refer to a physiotherapist if required.

Leaflets are available in our CrCU and further information can be obtained by phoning our unit on 01305 255 596 or 01305 255 648 and asking to speak to a member of the follow-up team (or in their absence the shift co-ordinator). Alternatively, you can email criticalcare.clinic@dchft.nhs.uk

Sadly, not everyone will survive a critical illness so we also offer the opportunity for bereaved relatives and loved ones to attend our Critical Care Follow-up Clinic. Bereavement appointments can be made by phoning the above numbers. During the appointment, there will be an opportunity to ask any questions regarding loved ones' care and talk through their experience.

Direct line