Enquiries: 01305 251150

Cardiac Rehabilitation

Updated 3 March 2025

Cardiac rehabilitation is a comprehensive recovery service offered to patients and their partners following:

  • a heart attack
  • a PCI (stent insertion)
  • coronary artery bypass grafts
  • valve/TAVI surgery/other cardiac surgery

Phase One - Contact

Following your clinical event or procedure, you will be contacted by telephone to discuss your recovery and any issues regarding your procedure, medication, symptoms and cardiac rehabilitation.

Phase Two - Cardiac Event Follow-up Clinic (CEFU)

The follow-up clinics are held in:

  • Dorchester on a Friday morning at: Diabetes Centre, 50 Bridport Road, Dorchester DT1 2NQ
  • Weymouth on a Thursday morning at: Ground Floor, Weymouth Community Hospital, Melcombe Avenue, Weymouth DT4 7TB

At this 45 minute clinic appointment your symptoms, cardiac risk factors, medication and treatment plan will all be reviewed and discussed in order to develop a holistic recovery plan.

Phase Three - Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme

There are a range of group or home based methods of delivering a Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme.

The leisure centre/community based Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme is delivered by a cardiac rehabilitation specialist nurse and a qualified cardiac exercise trained exercise trainer in three different venues. These are:

  • Mondays 1pm – 3pm at Redlands Community Sports Hub, Dorchester Road, Redlands, Weymouth DT3 5AW
  • Tuesdays 12.15pm – 2pm at Bridport Football Club, St.Mary's Field, Skilling Hill Road, Bridport, Dorset DT6 5LA
  • Wednesdays 12pm – 1.45pm at Dorchester Rugby Club, Coburg Road, Dorchester, DT1 2HX

Healthy Hearts Group

  • Wednesdays 2pm – 3.45pm at Dorchester Rugby Club, Coburg Road, Dorchester, DT1 2HX

These programmes will offer seven two-hour sessions, containing an initial weekly assessment of symptoms, blood pressure and heart rate.  You will then be assisted to exercise optimally for an hour, including a 15 minute warm-up and cool-down.

Following the exercises, there is a health education session, covering a different topic each week.  The topics include:

  • The heart – anatomy and procedures
  • Medications
  • Diet – delivered by a dietitian
  • Risk factors
  • Stress and relaxation
  • Benefits of exercise - delivered by the exercise trainer
  • Basic life support.

The home-based options include the Heart Manual, BHF online and Active at Home.

These tend to suit patients who are unable to get to a formal community based programme each week. This may be due to a number of personal issues such as lack of mobility or transport, being a carer for a member of their family who cannot be left on their own, work commitments or preference not to be in a group. All options for cardiac rehabilitation will be discussed at your cardiac event follow-up clinic appointment, and you will be facilitated onto the programmes by the nurse, explaining how to use them and establishing agreed targets and goals to reduce risk of a future cardiac event.

The nurse will then contact you with telephone consultations at agreed time periods in order to support you through your recovery and assess whether targets need reviewing and new ones established.

The home-based options may also be given to patients for an established time period prior to commencing, or whilst attending, a community based Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme.

Exercise trainers

Our exercise trainers have specific cardiac qualifications and are registered by a professional body accordingly. They lead on the exercise component of the Phase Three Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme, provided by the NHS. The exercise trainers also run numerous Phase Four follow-on classes in the same venues as the Phase Three rehabilitation classes, but these are not attended by a cardiac rehabilitation specialist nurse. The private Phase Four classes are offered for a small fee, payable per session attended.​

General information

If you have recently had a heart attack, angioplasty/stent, or cardiac surgery, in the UK or abroad, and have not been contacted by a member of our cardiac rehabilitation service within a week of discharge from hospital, please contact us for further information and advice on 01305 255707.

If you are awaiting surgery and have any questions about your procedure or post operative recovery, please contact our team on 01305 255707.

If you are unable to make any appointments or sessions which have been booked with us, please contact our team on 01305 255707 so that we can offer a new appointment to suit your needs. This will ensure that our waiting times are minimised.​

Contact details

Cardiac Rehabilitation Office
Diabetes Centre
Dorset County Hospital
50 Bridport Road

Main office contact number: 01305 255707

Email: DCH.cardiac.rehab@dchft.nhs.uk

Direct line