Enquiries: 01305 251150

Updated 19 June 2024

Face mask guidance

The wearing of masks is no longer mandatory at Dorset County Hospital.

Surgical masks are available in main entrances for anyone who wishes to wear one – and anyone suffering from symptoms such as coughing or sneezing is encouraged to wear a mask to protect others from infection while in the hospital.

Masks may be required in some areas to protect patients who have lowered immunity and these areas will have notices on entrance doors to advise visitors. 

Our priority remains patient safety. Although masks will no longer be mandatory in clinical areas, we will still be following IPC guidance to keep vulnerable patients safe.

Our usual IPC guidance about washing or gelling your hands remains crucial in minimising the spread of infections within the hospital environment.

Patient gifts

We do not allow flowers or plants on the wards or other clinical areas for infection control reasons.

Visitors are encouraged to bring other gifts like books, magazines and toiletries, but it's important not to clutter the patient's bed area.

Photos and videos

Please be mindful of the privacy and dignity of our patients. Do not take photographs or videos of them without their permission. Be mindful of other patients who may be in the background of a photograph of someone you’re visiting or accompanying.

The media and other visitors must not take photographs in our hospitals at all without prior permission from the communications team. This is to protect the confidentiality of other patients, and our staff, and to ensure patient information is not recorded without their consent.

Our staff take the privacy and dignity of our patients very seriously, and will ask people who ignore these restrictions to stop immediately, and have the support of security staff in doing so.

Other ways to stay in touch

Video app for families of inpatients
Friends and family of inpatients can connect to their loved ones via video link. Simply download the free Lifesize app onto your own device (android or Apple). Both parties then enter a unique number and they are able to video call each other. It works on Wi-Fi and 3G/4G. We have a number of Trust iPads patients can use if they do not have their own device. 

More information on how to download the app is available here

Please contact the ward your family is on to arrange this.

Email service for families of inpatients
We have set up a dedicated email address for families, carers and friends of patients currently in hospital as another way of keeping in touch.

Families are invited to send messages to connected@dchft.nhs.uk and are asked to please indicate the ward, initials and date of birth of the person they are contacting in the subject box of the email. We will ensure their messages are delivered as soon as possible. If a patient is unable to read the letter themselves, we will ensure a member of the ward team will read the message to them.

Ward visiting hours and contact numbers

Please do not visit the hospital if you are unwell and experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness, vomiting or diarrhoea.

Abbotsbury Surgical Short Stay Unit
Visiting hours: 2.30pm - 3.30pm and 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Tel: 01305 255150 / 254830

Barnes Ward
Visiting hours: 2pm - 7.30pm
Tel: 01305 255213

Cardiac Care Ward
Visiting hours: 2pm - 7pm
Tel: 01305 255681

Critical Care Unit (CRCU)
Visiting hours: 1pm - 3pm and 5pm - 7pm
Tel: 01305 255596
Please note that two visitors are allowed by the bedside but families can rotate if there is more relatives wishing to visit.  

Day Lewis Ward
Visiting hours: 2pm - 7.30pm
Tel: 01305 255219

Fortuneswell Cancer Ward
Visiting hours: 3pm - 8pm
Tel: 01305 253342 or 253343
Please note the ward has a quiet time for patients to be able to rest from 1.30pm - 3pm every day.

Ilchester Integrated Assessment Unit
Visiting hours: 2pm - 3pm and 5pm - 6pm

Tel: 01305 255870 / 254800
Please note visiting will be permitted in the morning for critically unwell patients, patients on end-of-life care, following a consultant or occupational therapy request or at the discretion of the nurse in charge. Children under 10 years old should not visit, unless authorised by the nurse in charge.

Kingfisher Ward
Visit hours: Open visiting
Tel: 01305 254253

Lulworth Ward
Visiting hours: 2.30pm - 3.30pm and 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Tel: 01305 255471

Maternity Unit
Partners have unrestricted visiting and can stay overnight if the woman has a single room.
Visiting hours for women and partner’s children: 9am - 7pm
Visiting hours for everyone else: 2pm - 7pm
Tel: 01305 254267

Maud Alex
Visiting hours: 3.30pm-4.30pm and 7pm-8pm
Tel: 01305 255524

Moreton Ward
Visiting hours: 2pm-4pm and 7pm-8pm
Tel: 01305 255628 / 5634
Only two visitors at a time please on Moreton Ward. We kindly ask that children under the age of five do not visit. If would like to bring a child over the age of five, please check with the nurse in charge before you visit.

Prince of Wales Ward
Visiting hours: 2pm – 4pm and 7pm - 8pm​
Tel: 01305 255139
Please note visiting is limited to two people for one hour and the visit must be pre-booked with the ward on the day. This is due to the number of high risk patients on the ward. Visitors must wear a mask on this ward and have no COVID-19 symptoms.

Purbeck Ward
Visiting hours: 2.30pm - 3.30pm and 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Tel: 01305 255593
Please note arrangements can be made for relatives and carers of patients with dementia.

Ridgeway Ward
This ward is currently being refurbished. Patients who would normally be treated on Ridgeway are being cared for in the Portesham Unit, which is the modular building in front of North Wing.
Visiting hours: 2.30pm - 3.30pm and 7pm - 8pm
Tel: 01305 255561 and 01305 255562
Please note visiting is limited to one person for one hour.

SCBU: Special Care Baby Unit
Visiting hours: Parents/caregivers are welcome 24/7 and encouraged to stay in one of our four double rooms where possible.

Siblings of the baby 8am-8pm

All other visitors (over 16 only) 2pm-7pm

Tel: 01305 254234

Stroke Unit
Visiting hours: 2pm - 7.30pm
Tel: 01305 255164