
Transition is when a young person moves from children’s to adult services.
Up until you are 18 you will have been seen by a specialist children’s doctor (paediatrician).
When you reach 18 you will be seen in an adult clinic and if you need to come into hospital you will be admitted to an adult ward.
Click here for an information pack on transition for families and carers.
Click here for easy read information on transition.
Click here for an advice leaflet for carers explaining how to communicate the signs that the person you care for is unwell.
Mencap have produced a short film with Bradford People First that shows the differences you can expect in hospital as a young adult. It is aimed at young people with a learning disability and can be shared with family, friends, carers and hospital staff.
Click here to visit the Mencap website for more information.
Contact us
If you would like any further details or support, please contact:
Charlotte Tuckett, Transition Nurse Specialist
Phone: 01305 255088
Mobile: 07385952427
Candi Sidey, Acute Health Facilitator for People with a Learning Disability/ Autism
Phone: 01305 253274
Jo Findlay, Learning Disability and Mental Capacity Act Lead
Phone: 01305 253274