Emergency Care
The Emergency Department (sometimes called Accident and Emergency or A&E) is for people who need healthcare very quickly.
Click here for more information about coming to the Emergency Department at Dorset County Hospital.
Click here for an advice leaflet for carers explaining how to communicate the signs that the person you care for is unwell.
Click here for information about Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

If you are ill or hurt and need help fast, but it is not a 999 emergency, then use NHS 111.
Go to 111.nhs.uk or call 111.
Click here for an easy read information leaflet on NHS 111.

If you are not in need of urgent care and you don’t need immediate advice, then you should make an appointment with your GP (family doctor).

You can also get help by speaking to your pharmacist.
Pharmacists work in pharmacies or chemist’s shops. This might be the place you get your medicines from.
Click here for an easy read leaflet on pharmacies.