Our Dorset Digital Health App Library
New technologies and health innovations continue to reshape every aspect of our lives. Our Dorset Digital plan continues to respond to that rapid change for delivering efficiencies and improving experiences.
Apps present a fantastic opportunity to provide us with valuable health information which can help us not only improve the quality of our healthcare, but also help us to live healthier lives. The market is awash with apps, though, and we have no ability to see whether what is being downloaded will actually improve our health or if our personal data will be stored safely.
For that reason, NHS Dorset have partnered up with ORCHA (the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Applications) to provide this site for you all to solve just those problems.
The apps you will find here have had independent and impartial reviews, and you’ll see that the resultant information is clearly presented throughout. We can be reassured that any apps shown on this site have undergone a rigorous review process, and can feel confident as we choose the best app for us.
By bringing this information to our fingertips, it’s now possible to identify and compare the best apps for our needs – and to ensure that we, and our friends and families, can get access to quality assured apps.
Visit the Our Dorset Digital Health App Library