Outpatient Assessment Centre at South Walks House
The newly refurbished Outpatient Assessment Centre at South Walks House in Dorchester opened in February 2024.
The Trust received more than £14million from the NHS England Elective Recovery and Community Diagnostics Programme to transform two floors of the building into permanent clinical space after signing a 20-year lease with Dorset Council.
There two floors of dedicated clinical space that allows the Trust to run more outpatient clinics and offer diagnostics appointments (such as x-rays and scans), as well as day case local anaesthetic procedures and general health and wellbeing services.

South Walks House is located in Charles Street, Dorchester, DT1 1EE. There is a pedestrian entrance in South Walks Road. You can use the What3Words app to find the main pedestrian entrance at: https://w3w.co/winning.clues.engulfing
Parking is available in the Old Market Car Park which has a number of disabled parking spaces available. It costs £1.50 to park for two hours, which should be sufficient time for patients attending appointments.
The main pedestrian entrance is accessible from South Walks Road and the disabled entrance can be accessed from the Old Market Car Park.