Information for Outpatients
Outpatient name changes
We have changed the names of some of our outpatient areas at the Dorset County Hospital site so they are no longer specialty-specific. This is to reflect how we are now being more flexible with where outpatient clinics are held.
As of 10 February 2025, the following changes came into effect to rename these locations as other specialties now run services in these areas of the hospital:
Orthopaedic Outpatients is now Sandsfoot Outpatients
Women's Health is now Maumbury Outpatients
The middle area of what was previously Medical and Surgical Outpatients is now Fleet Outpatients
Dorset place names have been chosen to be in keeping with the naming conventions for our wards. Your appointment letter will reference these new names and advise you on which entrance to use.
Virtual outpatient appointments
In addition to traditional face to face appointments at the hospital, we deliver virtual outpatient appointments. Virtual appointments mean you do not have to attend the hospital for an outpatient appointment if the information we need to discuss with you can be done safely without a face-to-face meeting. Virtual appointments may not be suitable for all patients and how your appointment will be delivered is a clinical decision.
Telephone appointments
Telephone assessment clinics are outpatient appointments conducted by telephone. A time slot on a certain day will be allocated to you, but rather than the appointment taking place at the hospital, it will be done with you over the telephone. You do not need to attend the hospital for this type of appointment. For more information regarding Telephone Assessment Clinics please click here.
Video consultation appointments (Attend Anywhere)
Attend Anywhere is a secure web-based video platform that allows you to have your consultation via video from your home or own private space. Video consultations allow you to be seen by your clinician via an online video call avoiding the need to travel to hospital for appointments, saving you time and money.
Attend Anywhere is for patients with pre-arranged appointment times only. Patients due for appointments that could be done by video consultation will be invited to do so. For more information please click here.
Patient information leaflets and questionnaires
Some appointment letters will be accompanied by a patient information leaflet. Please read all of the information enclosed in the letter and leaflet carefully and follow any specific instructions for your appointment. If you have received your appointment by email and the letter includes a leaflet, please view the outpatient leaflets and questionnaires page here.
Cancelling or changing your appointment
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please tell us as soon as possible and, if possible, at least 48 hours before your appointment so that your appointment slot can be allocated to another patient. You can do this by calling the telephone number on your appointment letter, call our Appointments Team on 01305 255779 or email us on
Preparing for your appointment
Whether your appointment is being delivered virtually or you have been asked to attend the hospital, we recommend you make a list of important questions that you want to ask the doctor prior to your appointment. Please also ensure you know the details of any tablets or medication you are taking.
Attending the hospital for an outpatient appointment
If we cannot deliver your outpatient appointment virtually and you are asked to attend the hospital. Please report to the outpatient reception indicated on your appointment letter on your arrival. The receptionist will check your personal details to ensure the details we hold on record for you are accurate.
Video tours for patients with additional needs
We have put together a selection of video tours that we hope will help prepare patients with additional needs before visiting Dorset County Hospital.
Waiting times in clinic
Whether your appointment is virtual or face to face, all clinics run in the same way with allocated appointment times for each patient and appointments will be in time order. We do our utmost to make sure you are seen on time, however, there may be occasions when delays are unavoidable and your wait may be longer than usual.
During your clinic appointment, you may be asked to have a test such as a chest x-ray so that the doctor has all the information needed to assess you. Please be aware that it is advisable to leave extra time for your visit in case you are required to have a test carried out once the doctor has seen you.
After your appointment
If the doctor asks you to make another appointment, please return to the reception desk before you leave where we will arrange your next appointment for you.
Missed appointments
Please be aware that if you fail to keep your appointment without notifying the Outpatient Department, or if you change your appointment more than twice, we may discharge your care back to your GP.
Patients who fail to attend their appointment cost the NHS millions of pounds every year. If you need to change your appointment please contact the number at the top of your appointment letter.
The Trust endeavours to treat patients within maximum wait times (treatment could be either an operation, medication or advice). Please refer to the NHS Constitution for further information on the NHS website here.
Text reminders
To help patients remember their appointments, the Trust (for the majority of specialties) provides a text reminder service. Patients will be contacted a few days before their appointment. Please ensure we have the correct mobile number on record for you. If you need to inform us of any changes to your mobile number or wish to opt out of this service, please call the number at the top of your appointment letter.
How can we keep in touch with you?
Please ensure you inform us of any changes to your contact details by contacting the Appointments Team on 01305 255779, emailing or speaking to a receptionist when you attend for your appointment.
Emailing correspondence
Patients can now choose to receive correspondence from Dorset County Hospital by email rather than post. Changing to email will enable you to receive correspondence quicker and in a convenient format. This will also help us to reduce the amount of paper we use and become more sustainable.
You can sign up to email correspondence here.
A step-by-step guide on how to sign up to email correspondence is available here.
Frequently asked questions on email correspondence are available here.
Interpretation and translation
Our aim is to ensure that our services are accessible to all patients and visitors. With adequate notice the Trust can offer interpreter services for many different languages and we can also offer sign language support. For further information regarding this please contact the PALS Team on 0800 7838058 or by emailing
Appointment locations
If you have been asked to attend the hospital for an appointment, please check the location of your appointment on the letter you have received. Face-to-face appointments will be at one of the following locations:
Dorset County Hospital
Willliams Avenue
01305 251150
South Walks House
South Walks Road
Information about the South Walks House Centre
Charlton Down Outpatients Therapies Centre
Sherren Avenue
Charlton Down
Information about the Outpatients Therapies Centre
Weymouth Community Hospital
Melcombe Avenue
01305 760022
Bridport Community Hospital
Hospital Lane
01308 422371
Blandford Community Hospital
Milldown Road
Blandford Forum
DT11 7DD
01258 456541
Yeatman Community Hospital
Hospital Lane
01935 813991
Portland Community Hospital
Castletown Road
01305 820341
The Gatehouse Surgery
Castle Road
The nearest entrance to your appointment location will be marked on your appointment letter.
Travel and parking
Car parking across the main hospital site - including the multi-storey car park - operates using automatic number plate recognition. We hope this will make it easier to park, as you will not need to worry about your ticket running out.
As you enter our site via Williams Avenue or Damers Road you will need to take a ticket at the barrier to be able to pass through. This also applies if you are dropping off/picking up or a Blue Badge holder.
If you are parking in a car park without a barrier (Diabetes Centre, Robert White Centre or Trust Headquarters), please follow instructions on signs in these areas. Payment machines are available.
Click here for further information.
Damers Restaurant, located on North Wing Level 2 caters for patients, visitors and staff, and offers a wide choice of hot meals, snacks and hot and cold drinks. A range of snacks and refreshments are also available at the Friends of Dorset County Hospital shop on the South Wing Level 1, the Terrace Café located on South Wing Level 2 and Costa Coffee located near main reception on North Wing Level 1.
Your personal information
Please be assured that all of your information is treated confidentially and only shared on a 'need to know basis'. Under the Data Protection Act you are entitled to see information held on your health record. For details please call 01305 255692 or 01305 255440, or email
There is a pharmacy on site at Dorset County Hospital where you can collect medicines that may be prescribed to you at your appointment. The pharmacy can be found on the South Wing Level 0, using Entrance 2. For more information please click here.
Staff protection
We have a responsibility to protect our staff from violence, threatening behaviour and verbal abuse. Staff have the same rights as patients to be treated with respect and dignity at all times and are asked to record incidences of violence and aggression.
Research studies
This hospital actively contributes to research. You may therefore be approached to discuss the opportunity to participate in a study. More information about the Research and Innovation Department is available here.
Copying letters to patients
You are entitled to receive a copy of any letter that is sent to your GP from your hospital consultant. Please ask your consultant at your appointment who will request that a copy is sent to your usual address.
No smoking policy
A no smoking policy is strictly enforced at all our hospital sites. If you would like assistance to give up smoking, please speak to your GP about getting support or contact the LiveWell Dorset service on 0800 840 1628, or visit the LiveWell Dorset website.
Mobile telephones
Mobile telephones can be used in the hospital. However, they should not be used around sensitive medical equipment where there is a particularly high risk of interference. Signs around the hospital will make it clear which areas you shouldn't use your mobile telephone in. In these areas, mobile telephones should be switched off or have 'airplane mode' enabled. Please do not just leave the device on silent or vibrate as it could still affect medical equipment. For further information please click here.
Please call the phone number on your appointment letter or our Appointments Office on 01305 255779 for any queries.