Information for Carers
A carer is anyone, including a child, who looks after a family member, partner or friend. They give unpaid care to those close to them who cannot cope on their own because of illness, frailty, disability, mental health difficulties or problems with addiction.
As a Trust, we recognises the vital role that carers play in the health and wellbeing of those they care for. Carers have a right, but not a duty, to continue to care whilst the person they care for is in hospital.
Having a loved one in hospital can be a distressing time for a carer, particularly young carers, so we want to do all we can to ensure carers are involved and supported at our hospital.
Carer Passport
Did you know we have the Carer Passport Scheme at our hospital? This allows:
- flexibility with visiting times
- free parking
- discounted food and drinks from Damers restaurant
- inclusion in care
- inclusion to assist at mealtimes
- involvement in discussion and planning for discharge
- access to information about patient care (with relevant consent)

If you would like a Carer Passport, please speak to a senior member of the ward and they can arrange this for you and provide you with carer's lanyard. Both the passport and lanyard will make you easily identifiable to our staff on the ward.
The ward can also provide you with a parking concession slip which you will need to take to the transport hub (near the main entrance hospital barriers).
Carer Support Service
If your cared-for person has been admitted to Dorset County Hospital there is a Carer Support Service to help and Support you throughout their inpatient stay.
Call: 0800 783 8058
Further support and information
Click here to access our Information for Patient and Your Carers leaflet.
If you are caring for someone in the Dorset Council area there is further support available:
Carer Support Dorset
Phone: 0800 368 8349
Dorset Carers Hub
Phone: 01305 602828
Website: Home (
Dorset Council
Carers' support - Dorset Council
Bridgit Care
This is useful tool to signpost and enable carers to manage caring responsibilities and gain access to carer’s assessments, GP, community and support groups.