Services – D Home > Patients and Visitors > A-Z of Services > Services – D Updated 15 February 2021 a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p r s t u v x Day Surgery Units Day Surgery Units at Dorchester and Weymouth hospitals are self–contained units with their own theatres and recovery areas. The nursing and medical staff rotate between the units, to maintain skills… Dermatology If you have questions about your medications that affect the immune system with regards to coronavirus please visit the British Association of Dermatologist website. The Dermatology Department is based at Dorset… Diabetes Centre A unit devoted to the care of people with diabetes was first opened in 1993 on the old Dorset County Hospital site in Princes Street by Professor Harry Keen the… Diagnostic Imaging (Radiology, X-ray) We have central booking lines for all GP patients requiring an X-ray. If you have been referred for an X-ray by your GP please wait 48 hours before phoning to… Dietitians The Dietitians at Dorset County Hospital work within the hospital and the community to promote nutritional wellbeing, treat disease and prevent nutrition related problems. Dietitians apply the science of nutrition… Discharge Lounge When you are on the road to recovery and on the day of your discharge home or transfer, an assessment by the nurse in charge of your care and the… Dorset Sleep Service The Dorset Sleep Service offers diagnostic sleep studies to local patients, and provides CPAP Therapy for patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea.