Patient Research Ambassadors
PLEASE NOTE: Currently, all our volunteering posts are filled; when vacancies arise, we will advertise locally.
Patient Research Ambassadors (PRAs) are patients, carers, members of the public, people who have taken part in or are currently taking part in a research study as well as those who have not. Something they all have in common is they are passionate about getting more people interested in research so that we can develop better care and treatments for everyone.
We have an active group of approximately 20 volunteer Patient Research Ambassadors whose roles include:
- helping raise community awareness of lifesaving medical research
- assisting with guiding the direction of the research strategy
- representing the ‘patient perspective’ at meetings
- helping with designing research projects.
No prior medical knowledge or experience of health research is required, just enthusiasm for the role and a desire to get involved.
What you contribute as a volunteer Patient Research Ambassador can be shaped around your interests, skills and time that you can offer. Some of our volunteers commit to regular activities whereas others may volunteer as opportunities arise.
For more information on how to get involved in NHS, public health and social care research please visit the NIHR Centre for Engagement and Dissemination which brings together its activities in patient and public involvement, engagement and participation with its strengths in research dissemination.
Richard's story
Meet Richard, a retired English and drama teacher and one of our Patient Research Ambassadors at Team DCH!
He became involved in research in 2018 and began his PhD inspired by his contribution to health research in 2022.
Click here to read Richard's story.