Staff at Dorset County Hospital express heartfelt thanks to the community
23 June 2020
Staff at Dorset County Hospital want to express their heartfelt thanks to the community after being overwhelmed by donations and messages of support and kindness during the coronavirus pandemic.
Since the country entered lockdown, communities have rallied together to show their appreciation for the NHS and to help support staff through what may be the most challenging time of their career.
The Trust has received hundreds of donations and staff would like to take the opportunity to express their gratitude. Every single donation has made a huge difference.
Businesses have provided free accommodation and Personal Protective Equipment, staff have received endless gifts to brighten their days, from chocolate to hand
cream, and wards have been decorated with children’s colourful illustrations of rainbows.
More than £158,000 has also been raised through the DCH Charity’s COVID-19 Appeal.
Acting Chief Executive at Dorset County Hospital Nick Johnson said: “The coronavirus pandemic has been one of the biggest challenges faced by the NHS.
“We have been completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of donations and support we have received from right across Dorset over the past few months.
“The pandemic has highlighted the true meaning and value of community spirit and we will be forever grateful to all those who have supported us through it.
“We will repay that kindness and support in any way we can over the coming months.”
Hannah Robinson, Volunteer Coordinator at Dorset County Hospital, has seen firsthand the difference the donations have made to the staff.
Hannah, along with a small, dedicated team of volunteers, have been coordinating and distributing the ongoing donations across the Trust during the pandemic.
She said: “We have been completely blown away by the generosity of local businesses, schools and communities in Dorset who have gone above and beyond to support their NHS.
“The reaction received from staff is something I will never forget. It has been so heart-warming to see the smiles brought to their faces. Knowing they had the support of the community behind them has made a significant difference.
“The response we have also received from appeals has been absolutely brilliant. So many people have made us headbands, mask adapters, knitted teddies, face
coverings and more.
“We cannot thank everyone enough for everything they have done for the Trust.”