Diagnostic Imaging Department granted QSI accreditation
17 March 2021
Dorset County Hospital’s Diagnostic Imaging Department has been received national recognition for the quality of its services.
The department has been granted the Quality Standard for Imaging (QSI) accreditation.
The UKAS accreditation is recognition of the department’s dedication to provide a safe and efficient service for our patients.
To achieve accreditation a department must submit written evidence against more than 130 separate criteria, which are grouped under standards of Leadership, Clinical, Facilities, Safety and Patient Experience.
The Diagnostic Imaging Department at DCH was also visited by the accreditation team over two days to observe practice and interview staff.
Interim Radiology Service Manager Linda Chappell said: “Staff in all areas of the department have been working towards our QSI accreditation for three years.
“It is recognition of how hard everyone works to ensure we provide a safe and efficient service for our patients.
“Only 36 other departments in the UK hold QSI accreditation. It has involved a huge amount of work by all our consultants, radiographers, assistants, nurses and admin staff so we are all very proud of our achievement.”
The quality standard for imaging (QSI) has been developed by The Royal College of Radiologists and the College of Radiographers to set out the criteria that defines a quality imaging service.
UKAS accreditation of imaging services is a patient-focused assessment that is designed to give stakeholders, service users, patients and their carers, confidence in their diagnosis and all aspects of their care. The QSI provides a framework for the NHS and private sector to provide consistently high quality services delivered by competent staff working in safe environments.
UKAS assesses imaging services to ensure that the standard’s requirements are maintained through regular monitoring.
Chief Executive at DCH Patricia Miller added: “We are so proud of our teams in Diagnostic Imaging who have worked incredibly hard over the past three years to achieve this accreditation.
“It has taken a huge amount of work and highlights our core values at Dorset County Hospital and our dedication to provide the best service to our patients.”
More information about the QSI accreditation is available here.