Information Governance
Your information
This page offers a summary of your data protection rights and how we protect your information - more detailed information can be found here.
How we will meet the principles of data protection regulation
We will:
- process your information fairly and lawfully
- only collect your information for your health care
- only use what is necessary to conduct delivery of your care
- keep your information accurate and up to date
- only keep the information that may identify you for as long as we need to
- ensure that your information is kept safe when it is being used, shared and when it is being stored.
The sort of information we may hold about you
- your name and date of birth
- where you live
- how to contact you
- your next of kin and the person that cares for you
- information on treatment and care
- any information that you, your family or those that care for you have given us when we have cared for you or provided treatment
- what treatment or medicine we gave you
- what tests and results you have had
- other information from health professionals or carers, that will help us care for you.
Why we keep your personal information
We keep your personal information to ensure we can give you the best possible care and because, by law, we must keep records about you and the care we have given to you.
How we collect information about you
Dorset County Hospital health care team members will ask you questions - such as your name, your address, and your health history. Sometimes we receive information from other NHS organisations, care homes, hospices, local councils, family members and others who support your care. We collect this to ensure that your information is always up to date and correct.
How we use your information
- we hold your information so that we can deliver the best health care to you
- we must tell our commissioners certain information about you, but we only do this when it is necessary, for example when a baby is born, or if you have an infectious disease
- when the court asks for information
- we may share with the police if they ask for your information to detect or investigate a crime – we will always ask you for permission if we are able to do so
- when the Care Quality Commission inspects our services
- we may have to share your information if you are at risk of harming yourself or others.
How long we keep your information
NHS guidance tells us how long we must keep the information for.
- children’s information - until their 25th birthday
- adults’ information - eight years
- adults receiving support and care from our mental health services - 20 years
- we may need to keep your information for longer if you under the care of one of our specialist services.
Who can see your information
Only staff engaged in your care can see your information. For example administrators and secretaries who book your appointments and write up letters and reports; our doctors and nurses who provide the care to you; and reception staff who meet and greet you when you come to your appointment.
How we keep your information secure
- we must keep all your information safe and secure
- only those who are caring for you are given access to your information
- staff must use a password to access your data and information - we must not share our passwords
- we must show NHS England that we can protect your information so it cannot be seen by anyone who is not allowed to see it
- we ensure your information is kept safe and secure by locking computers, cabinets, doors, cupboards, offices, meeting rooms, bags and windows.
Your data rights
You have the right to:
- know that we are using your information
- et access to your information
- change your information if it is wrong
- have us delete your information if we no longer use it
- restrict how we use your information
- ask us to move your information
- object to your information being used
- know if a decision about you was made by a computer rather than a person
- ask for your information in any format you like - paper/digital/on disc.
Contact us
Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted by phoning our Switchboard on 01305 251150 or by emailing