Publication Scheme
Who we are and what we do
How we fit into the NHS structure
- Our Dorset - Dorset Integrated Care System (ICS)
- NHS Dorset - Dorset Integrated Care Board (ICB)
- King's Fund Explainer - Integrated care systems: how will they work under the Health and Care Act?
- NHS England Explainer - What is Integrated Care?
Organisation structure
What we spend and how we spend it
Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
Staff and Board members’ allowances and expenses
Staff pay and grading structure
Funding (including endowment funds and charitable donations)
Procurement and tendering procedures, including what we spend
Details of contracts currently being tendered (Search for 'Dorset County Hospital')
List and value of contracts awarded (Search for 'Dorset County Hospital')
What our priorities are and how we are doing
Annual business or commissioning plan
Reports by regulatory organisations
Audit reports delivered at Board or Governing Body level
Clinical strategy
Data protection impact assessments
Our policies and procedures
The Trust's corporate policies and procedures are available on request from the Freedom of Information Office. Please email
Policies and procedures relating to conducting business and the provision of services
Policies and procedures relating to human resources including recruitment and employment policies
Equality and diversity policies
Health and safety
Pay policy statement
Standing financial instructions
Customer service and complaints policies and procedures
Data protection and duty of confidentiality, records management, Caldicott Guardian
Estate management
Charging regimes and policies
Our Mortality Review Policy and Process is available here.
Lists and registers
The Trust's corporate registers are available on request from the Freedom of Information Office. Please email
List of main contractors or suppliers
Asset registers
Information asset register
Any register of interests kept in the authority
Register of gifts and hospitality provided to board members and senior personnel
FOI Disclosure log
The services we offer
Clinical services provided or commissioned
Patient support groups, including bereavement support
Patient information leaflets and other booklets and newsletters