Enquiries: 01305 251150

Updated 27 April 2023

30 December 2022

We have stepped down our critical incident status but remain under extreme pressure. We continue to focus on making sure our patients are safe and keeping our critical services running. Our teams remain incredibly busy and we are also about to enter another bank holiday weekend, which could add to the pressures we are already facing.

Therefore, we are still appealing to the public to help us by:

  • only ever calling 999 in the event of a serious or life-threatening emergency
  • visiting 111.nhs.uk or calling 111 if you need urgent medical help and aren't sure what to do
  • being ready to collect your family or loved ones from hospital as soon as they are medically well-enough to leave. Hospital is no longer the best place to be once someone is ready to leave
  • not coming to our Emergency Department with minor injuries and ailments, as you will be signposted elsewhere. Minor Injuries Units are available to help with urgent care needs. Visit www.dorsethealthcare.nhs.uk/miu for more information on where they are and when to use them
  • using your local pharmacy if you are able to - they can help with a range of minor health issues including colds, skin problems and earaches

Thank you to our staff, partners and volunteers for all their hard work to support us, and patients and their loved ones for bearing with us through this very difficult period.

We would like to reassure you that, despite the challenges we face, our staff remain committed to providing the best possible care.