Enquiries: 01305 251150

Physiotherapy – Outpatients

Updated 16 May 2024

We are a team of outpatient physiotherapists, physiotherapy assistants and admin staff providing an outpatient physiotherapy service at the Outpatient Therapies Centre (Charlton Down), Weymouth Community Hospital and South Walks House Outpatient Assessment Centre in Dorchester.

Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness, or disability.

Physiotherapists achieve this through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education, and advice. They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.

The profession helps to encourage development and facilitate recovery, enabling people to stay in work while helping them to remain independent for as long as possible.

Physiotherapy takes a ‘whole person’ approach to health and wellbeing, which includes the patient’s general lifestyle.

At the core is the patient’s involvement in their own care, through education, awareness, empowerment, and participation in their treatment.

Where we are

We provide an outpatient physiotherapy service at the Outpatient Therapies Centre (Charlton Down), Weymouth Community Hospital and South Walks House Outpatient Assessment Centre in Dorchester.

Charlton Down Department
Outpatient Therapies Centre
Sherren Avenue
Charlton Down

Weymouth Department
Physiotherapy Department
Lower Ground Floor
Weymouth Community Hospital
Melcombe Avenue

South Walks House Outpatient Assessment Centre
Charles Street

How to get referred to Physiotherapy

We accept referrals from GPs, orthopaedic consultants/surgeons, the Emergency Department, Minor Injuries Units, Dorset Musculoskeletal Service and self-referral which can be accessed via the Musculoskeletal Matters website.

Referrals are prioritised by one of our physiotherapists as urgent, soon or routine and is dependent on how long you have had your problem for at the time of referral. Other factors that may indicate whether your referral is more urgent are if your ability to sleep, work or caring for a dependant is affected.

This is a well subscribed service, and we have a waiting list for routine appointments. If you are unable to attend for any reason we would appreciate and expect you to let us know with as much notice as possible in order that we can offer the appointment to somebody else.

What we do

We are a team of musculoskeletal outpatient physiotherapists with an excellent skill mix. We provide a comprehensive assessment and treatment tailored to your individual needs to help you achieve your goals.

We treat patients from the age of 16 upwards. The treatment we provide, as well as improving your current problem also improves your overall health and wellbeing.

As part of your treatment, in line with government directives, we collect routine patient reported outcome measures to demonstrate our effectiveness.

We are also a training centre for various universities’ physiotherapy students who work under the supervision of our senior physiotherapists. During the times when the students are working with us, you may be asked if you can be assessed and treated by them. It is your choice whether or not you wish to be treated by a student.

Conditions we treat

The physiotherapy service that we provide deals with a wide range of conditions. Conditions that we treat include:

  • Neck pain including whiplash
  • Low back pain including sciatica
  • Leg or arm pain including joint, ligament, muscle or nerve problems
  • Following surgery to hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, back, hand, elbow
  • After fracture
  • Sports injuries
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Headaches
  • Sacroiliac joint problems

Our expectations of you

Physiotherapy is not a passive treatment. To get the most from your treatment, you will be asked to do exercises at home and to follow advice given by your physiotherapist.

How do we know how well we do?

Your experience of coming here is important to us. As well as collecting outcome measures, on an annual basis we conduct a patient experience survey. We also receive monthly Friends and Family Test Feedback.

Comments and suggestions

If you have any comments about our physiotherapy service or suggestions on how we can improve our service please contact us using the email address: Rehab.Department@dchft.nhs.uk

Useful Information

How do I get there?

South Walks House Outpatient Assessment Centre

Outpatient Therapies Centre at Charlton Down 

How long will I be in the department?

Your first appointment will last for approximately 45 minutes. If you are to attend for further appointments your physiotherapist will advise you how long treatment sessions are likely to last.

Can I bring someone with me?

You are welcome to bring a friend or relative with you, and this person can accompany you during treatment if you wish.

What should I wear? Will I have to undress?

Usually, you will need to undress to allow the physiotherapist a clear view of the part of your body where you have your problem. For example, for a low back pain you would need to undress to your underwear; for a shoulder problem you would need to remove your blouse or shirt - a vest or camisole top are recommended. For a knee problem you would need to remove trousers, although bring shorts with you if you wish.

How will I know if and when I have to come back for further appointments?

At the end of the first session the physiotherapist will discuss with you treatment options and follow up appointments if appropriate.

Cancelling appointments

If you are unable to keep an appointment please ring and let us know on 01305 255314 for appointments in Charlton Down or South Walks House, or 01305 762621 for appointments in Weymouth.

Please give as much notice as possible so that we can re–allocate the appointment slot to someone else. We will be happy to change the appointment if the date or time does not suit you if you give us sufficient notice.

Am I likely to have to wait beyond my appointment time?

All patients are normally seen within 10 minutes of their appointment time. If a physiotherapist is unavoidably delayed, you should be kept fully informed. Please note that as we give individual time appointments it may not be possible to see you if you arrive late for your appointment.