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Updated 25 June 2024

Provider Self Declaration

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 introduced the concept of a licence for providers of NHS services, and the NHS Provider Licence was subsequently introduced in February 2013.

Although NHS Trusts are exempt from needing the provider licence, directions from the Secretary of State require the NHS Improvement to ensure that NHS trusts comply with conditions equivalent to the licence as it deems appropriate. NHS Trusts are therefore legally subject to the equivalent of certain provider licence conditions (including Condition G6 and Condition FT4) and must self-certify under these licence provisions and publish a compliance statement for Condition G6 by 31 May 2022.

The Conditions require NHS foundation trusts to have processes and systems that:

  • identify risks to compliance
  • takes reasonable mitigating actions to prevent those risks and a failure to comply from occurring

Providers must annually review whether these processes and systems are effective.

On 25 May 2022 the Trust Board considered and agreed that the Trust is compliant with conditions G6, CoS7 and FT4. For further information email headquarters@dchft.nhs.uk