Enquiries: 01305 251150

Updated 15 May 2024

Our policies and procedures

The Trust's corporate policies and procedures are available on request from the Freedom of Information Office. Please email FOI@dchft.nhs.uk 

Policies and procedures relating to conducting business and the provision of services

Policies and procedures relating to human resources including recruitment and employment policies

Equality and diversity policies

Health and safety

Clinical research transparency standards and research ethics committees' standard operating procedures

Pay policy statement

Standing financial instructions

Customer service and complaints policies and procedures

Data protection and duty of confidentiality, records management, Caldicott Guardian

Estate management

Charging regimes and policies

Our Mortality Review Policy and Process is available here.

Lists and registers

The Trust's corporate registers are available on request from the Freedom of Information Office. Please email FOI@dchft.nhs.uk

Declarations of interest

List of main contractors or suppliers

Asset registers

Information asset register


Any register of interests kept in the authority

Register of gifts and hospitality provided to board members and senior personnel

FOI Disclosure log